Religious education

Islam RE GCSE edexcel revision mind maps
Students of all abilities can use these at the end of each lesson or at the end of a topic to measure their understanding as a plenary or revision guide.
These revision mind maps cover each lesson and prompt students to write down what they can remember in short form.
ALL topics for Islam can be purchased if you find this useful

RE GCSE Islam Quotes as Flash Cards
Easy to print double sided flash cards
An easy way for your students to learn/remind them of the quotes in Islam RE GCSE EDEXCEL spec B.
The quotes are separated with half on each side with related topics as hints.
This set contains quotes for Muslim beliefs.
*You can also purchase the full set covering all 4 topics. *

FREE ONLINE flash cards and games ISLAM RE GCSE
A fun way for our young people to revise or learn key terms and quotes ONLINE.
This covers Muslim Beliefs key terms and quotes Islam RE GCSE Edexcel spec B.
Students can first use the flash cards to learn.
Then assess their understanding using different games which will give them immediate feedback.
You can also purchase the the whole set which covers all 4 topics with key terms and quotes in the shop.

FREE ONLINE Christianity RE GCSE flash cards and games
A fun way for our young people to revise or learn key terms and quotes ONLINE.
This covers Christian Beliefs key terms and quotes RE GCSE Edexcel spec B.
Students can first use the flash cards to learn.
Then assess their understanding using different games which will give them immediate feedback.
You can also purchase the the whole set which covers all 4 topics with key terms and quotes in the shop.

RE GCSE Islam key term Flash Cards
Easy to print double sided flash cards
An easy way for your students to learn/remind them of the basics in Islam RE GCSE EDEXCEL spec B.
This set contains Muslim beliefs.
*You can also purchase the full set covering all 4 topics. *

RE GCSE Christianity key term Flash Cards
Easy to print double sided flash cards
An easy way for your students to learn/remind them of the basics in Christianity RE GCSE EDEXCEL spec B Christianity.
This set contains Christian beleifs.
*You can also purchase the full set covering all 4 topics. *

RE GCSE Christianity Quotes as Flash Cards
Easy to print double sided flash cards
An easy way for your students to learn/remind them of the quotes in Christianity RE GCSE EDEXCEL spec B.
The quotes are separated with half on each side with related topics as hints.
This set contains quotes for Christian beliefs.
*You can also purchase the full set covering all 4 topics. *

NEW real-time interactive revision game!
Making RE GCSE fun & interactive
This interactive game can be used as a fun way to revise or to engage students into reviewing a new topic independently.
Students will touch a square on the IWB whenever they complete your task until they reach the top!
The game is designed for students to remember or locate a practice / belief / quote / relation to all topics within the Christian RE GCSE EDXCEL syllabus.
Bring a sense of excitement and challenge to your classroom and see real-time progress on any topic using or interactive game.
You can have up to 5 groups in which students will press their square which will contain your task. When pressed a sound will play revealing the next square/task until the last one where an applause sound is played showing the winner.
In addition, Levels 2-9 are revealed each time a square is revealed. This gives the teacher an opportunity to add something extra at certain levels. e.g when students reach level 5 they are given a picture/revision book to aid them.

Christianity RE GCSE for EAL students
Show progress with our resource for EAL students!
Using the IWB students can connect the words to make the correct sentences based on the RE GCSE Edexcel Christian beliefs topic.
These can also be printed for students who then can self-assess or peer-assess their answers.
These can also be used for your low attainment students as a plenary.

Islam RE GCSE edexcel revision mind maps
Students of all abilities can use these at the end of each lesson or at the end of a topic to measure their understanding as a plenary or revision guide.
These revision mind maps cover each lesson and prompt students to write down what they can remember in short form.

Revision Islam RE GCSE
NEW revision resource showing a time line of events for Islam RE GSCE to help your students revise.
****One of the best ways to remember is to create a story!
Each time line covers topics within the GCSE which are broken down into practices, beliefs, scriptures and then make a connection.
This resource contains a 7 page document for students and a PPT with additional hints if needed. There is also a button at the bottom of each page to return back to the hints page.
Finally, thee are exam style questions to test your students at each stage.

RE GCSE Islam Quotes as Flash Cards
Easy to print double sided flash cards
An easy way for your students to learn/remind them of the quotes in Islam RE GCSE EDEXCEL spec B.
The quotes are separated with half on each side with related topics as hints.
This set contains quotes for ALL 4 topics in Islam
Bonus item included on Muslim Holy Books (Kutb)

RE GCSE Christianity Quotes as Flash Cards
Easy to print double sided flash cards
An easy way for your students to learn/remind them of the quotes in Christianity RE GCSE EDEXCEL spec B.
The quotes are separated with half on each side with related topics as hints.
This set contains quotes for All topics in Christianity

RE GCSE Islam key term Flash Cards
Easy to print double sided flash cards
An easy way for your students to learn/remind them of the basics in Islam RE GCSE EDEXCEL spec B.
This set contains all 4 topics on Islam.
Bonus item containing quick questions & answers on Angels and Prophets in Islam

RE GCSE Christianity key term Flash Cards
Easy to print double sided flash cards
An easy way for your students to learn/remind them of the basics in Christianity RE GCSE EDEXCEL spec B Christianity.
This set contains all 4 topics for Christianity.

ONLINE flash cards and games ISLAM RE GCSE
A fun way for our young people to revise or learn key terms and quotes ONLINE.
This covers ALL topics for Islam on key terms and quotes Islam RE GCSE Edexcel spec B.
Students can first use the flash cards to learn.
Then assess their understanding using different games which will give them immediate feedback.

ONLINE Christianity RE GCSE flash cards and games
A fun way for our young people to revise or learn key terms and quotes ONLINE.
This covers **ALL four topics ** of the Christianity RE GCSE Edexcel spec B with key terms and quotes.
Students can first use the flash cards to learn.
Then assess their understanding using different games which will give them immediate feedback.